about us
The World Union German Shepherd Dog (WUGSD) goes back to the year 1992 as a special breeding club for German
Shepherds. After the longcoated German Shepherd dog was banned in 1991 by the founder association for German Shepherds, some breeders have not seen and have established a special breeding club for German Shepherds. This special breeding club promoted and controlled the German Shepherd Dog Breeding outside the founder club in the variants stockhaar (stock hair) and langstockhaar (longcoated or long stock hair, these dogs are often called “Altdeutscher Schaeferhund”) after 2010 when the founder club the longcoated for reasons of association policy, without restrictions allowed again (the members just ran away), the WUGSD was founded , with a few international cooperation countries established over the years. The WUGSD now has 21 active member countries and is established as a world association together with the World Kennel Organization e.V. (WKO e.V.). We live and work for the German Shepherd Dog, we promote and nurture the breed and we will not do or allow any experiments with our beloved German Shepherd Dog.